Publication Fees
Publication Charges
Thank you for considering the Journal of Applied Cosmetology for your research publication needs. We strive to maintain the highest standards of quality and accessibility in academic publishing. Please find below our publication charges and policies:
Subscription Charges
For articles published under subscription access, authors are required to pay a fee of 750 euros. This fee grants subscribers the right to access and download the PDF version of the article from our journal's website. The subscription model allows us to sustain the costs associated with peer-review, editorial management, and maintenance of our publishing platform.
Open Access Charges
Authors who opt for open access publishing will incur a fee of 1,500 euros per article. Open access ensures that your research is freely available to anyone with an internet connection, maximizing its visibility and impact. This fee covers the expenses related to peer-review, editing, production, and the dissemination of your work under an open access license.
Licensing and Copyright
Creative Commons License
All articles published in the Journal of Applied Cosmetology under open access are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This ensures maximum dissemination and utilization of your research while maintaining proper attribution.
Copyright Regulations
For articles published under subscription access, authors transfer the copyright to the Journal of Applied Cosmetology. This allows us to manage and distribute the content exclusively to our subscribers. Authors retain certain rights, including the right to use their work for educational and non-commercial purposes. However, any further use, reproduction, or distribution of the article requires permission from the journal.
Authors who choose the subscription model acknowledge and agree to these copyright terms by submitting their manuscripts to the Journal of Applied Cosmetology.
For open access articles, authors retain copyright to their work, as outlined in the previous section.
Pricing Considerations for Authors from Developing Countries
We understand the importance of fostering equitable access to scholarly publishing opportunities, especially for authors from developing countries who may face financial constraints. At the Journal of Applied Cosmetology, we are committed to supporting researchers from these regions by offering discounted publication fees or alternative pricing arrangements based on individual circumstances. We encourage authors from developing countries to reach out to our editorial team to discuss available options for reducing publication charges or exploring alternative funding sources. Our goal is to ensure that cost is not a barrier to sharing valuable research findings and contributing to the global scientific community.
Legislation Compliance
Our publication charges and policies are in compliance with relevant legislation and industry standards, including but not limited to:
European Union Directive on Open Access
Creative Commons Licensing Framework
International Copyright Laws and Regulations
For any inquiries regarding publication charges or our policies, please contact our editorial team.
Thank you for choosing the Journal of Applied Cosmetology for your research dissemination needs.