The story of the supposed skull of Pliny, the Elder and scientist from ancient Rome that appreciated cosmetics


  • P. P. Visentin R&D Center Academy of History of Healthcare Art Rome Italy
  • P. Morganti R&D Center Nanotechnology Unit Academy of History of Healthcare Art Rome Italy/ Dermatology Department China Medical University Shenyang China


skull, Pliny, ancient Rome, cosmetics, healthcare


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Author Biography

P. Morganti, R&D Center Nanotechnology Unit Academy of History of Healthcare Art Rome Italy/ Dermatology Department China Medical University Shenyang China

Prof. Pierfrancesco Morganti

R&D Unit, Academy of History of Healthcare Art,

Lungotevere in Sassia, 3

00186 Rome, Italy




How to Cite

Visentin, P.P. and Morganti , P. 2023. The story of the supposed skull of Pliny, the Elder and scientist from ancient Rome that appreciated cosmetics. Journal of Applied Cosmetology. 41, 1 (Feb. 2023), 58/66.