Treatment of lymphedema, two methods compared: Ketogenic diet and Endospheres, Ketogenic diet and Vodder lymphatic drainage


  • R.G. Bellomo Ordinary Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - University “Carlo Bo”, Urbino
  • R. Buda Ordinary Professor on Orthopedics and Traumatology - University "G. D'Annunzio", Chieti, Italy
  • A. Porreca Department of Economics ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University Chieti-Pescara
  • E. Virgili School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine University of Camerino
  • G. Postacchini Student at the Camerino University
  • P.A. Bacci Ex Professor of Phlebology and Aesthetic Surgery at the Siena University
  • R. Saggini Ordinary Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti/Pescara
  • C. Barbato Department of Medical Oral and Biotechnological Sciences “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara Chieti Italy


lymphedema, lipolymphedema, obesity, compressive microvibration, nutrition, ketogenic diet


Lymphedema is a chronic disease with an evolutionary and often disabling nature, which represents an abnormal and excessive accumulation of lymphatic fluid on the interstitial side, both due to altered morphology of the lymphatic vessel and excessive lymph formation with difficulty in drainage. This condition is characterized by stasis of water and macromolecules, which, over time, transform the connective tissue into fibrous tissue. Unfortunately, it is a very widespread pathological condition. According to official data in Italy, there are about 40,000 cases per year, especially as a result of surgery, trauma, or radiotherapy such as secondary lymphedema and deriving from lymphatic channels or non-functional lymph nodes or in conditions of non-metabolic homeostasis. Unfortunately, despite the large-scale spread of lymphedema, information on this pathology is quite scarce, and the therapeutic alternatives offered to the patient are often limited and incomplete, forcing the patient to follow constant therapeutic paths. The main therapies are based on anti-inflammatory, vascular drugs, and physiotherapeutic treatments, based on various types of lymphatic drainage, first of all, the lymphatic drainage described by Vodder. It is known that the lymphatic system is a drainage tissue of the macromolecules produced by the cellular activities of the organism. However, it also acts as an important immune organ closely connected to the adipose and metabolic system, affected by the inflammatory processes caused by overweight, intestinal dysbiosis, and visceral obesity. For this reason, lifestyle advice and good nutrition are always associated with lymphatic drainage. One hundred female patients with lymphedema and lipolymphedema were followed by Prof. Bellomo who recommended a ketogenic diet; half were treated with traditional Vodder lymphatic drainage, the other with compressive microvibration method. Both groups maintained suitable compression stockings. The results obtained in the two different experimental groups highlighted the ability of the therapeutic combination between a ketogenic diet and Endosphere Therapy to offer stable results thanks to the draining and vascularizing actions, which are associated with the reduction of inflammatory processes caused by overweight and visceral fat.


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Author Biography

P.A. Bacci, Ex Professor of Phlebology and Aesthetic Surgery at the Siena University

Pier Antonio Bacci, MD

Via Monte Falco 31,

52100 Arezzo, Italy

Tel.: +39.0575.355998 – +39.335.229767




How to Cite

Bellomo, R., Buda, R., Porreca, A., Virgili, E., Postacchini, G., Bacci, P.A., Saggini, R. and Barbato, C. 2022. Treatment of lymphedema, two methods compared: Ketogenic diet and Endospheres, Ketogenic diet and Vodder lymphatic drainage. Journal of Applied Cosmetology. 40, 1 (Jun. 2022), 54/68. DOI:

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