Cell Management for Innovative Cosmetics: the NICE-TMC Approach
Celi Turnover, lntercellular signals, NICE-TMC approach, Cosmeceuticals, NutricosmeticsAbstract
The skin is a multicellular organ comprising different cells necessary for responding to intracellular and extracellular signals coming from the interior and exterior environment. This celi communication network appears essential to regulate its own life and development acting as a biologie regulatory language by the use of peptide messengers. These macromolecular peptides represent the biochemical expression to coordinate the immune and endocrine systems linking each other to the biological activities of the skin by the nervous system. For ali these reasons, at leve! of cosmeceutica1 formu lations, the NICE (Nervous, Immune, Cutaneous, Endocrine) approach has been developed to experirnentally demonstrate how these four systems work ali together to give us the desired global wellness and beauty. This is the future challenge in the actual global and transforming society, where health and beauty concem become the ongoing goals for an ageing population.